Wellness solutions for individuals, corporate leaders and teams in Perth WA, plus workshops, talks and eBooks by Caroline Crosbie.
If you’re a manager or business leader who is stressed and struggling with life balance but wanting to maximise your potential, achieve high level wellness and be more effective both personally and professionally…
If you’d like to discover what keeps you from doing what you know you need to do to be living a life filled with health and happiness and you’d like to tap into your own potential for self- regulation…
If you’d like your staff to be more engaged, more present, feeling better within themselves, fitter for work and more productive…

Tap into 20+ years’ experience generating wellness results using a holistic
approach that fosters insight and integration. High-level wellness is your birthright.
What are you waiting for?
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“During a major transition in my life both professionally and personally, Caroline provided me with invaluable and very relevant support and expert coaching through a ten week program of guiding me through some very uncertain times. She gave me essential tools to overcome self-doubt as I gained insight to my reaction to things I couldn’t control and the confidence to see and master what I could. The time I spent with Caroline’s professional guidance was a major pivotal experience where I moved forward to get far more out of my life. I strongly recommend Caroline to help you to find your own potential and courage to tackle things you have dreaded facing but have always wanted to do, with increased confidence and enthusiasm.”
“I was recommended to see Caroline Crosbie by friend and I’m so glad I did. I felt unhappy with a few areas of my life and knew that there were some things holding me back from feeling at ease with myself and discontent with the way my life was going. One of the things in particular was my weight; I felt heavy and weighed down – mentally as well as physically. When I booked in for my first tapping session I had no idea what it would be like or how it would work but I trusted my friend who had seen Caroline previously and thought ‘what have I got to lose?’The experience was not what I thought it might be like at all and the results were far further reaching than I ever dreamed they could be. Caroline was incredibly welcoming and quickly put me at my ease.”